There are a lot of equipment financing companies out there. Knowing which one to choose from can be a difference in dollars some companies won’t be able to afford. Especially considering that equipment financing is important to companies that are trying to avoid huge upfront costs.
While every company has specific needs, and certain financing companies could be perfectly ideal while others (while good) are not, the internet consensus seems to be that Funding Circle and Direct Capital are some of the best.
Direct Capital
A company with “$150,000 in annual revenue.” They haven’t been around long enough to have a huge reputation in the financing market but they are making a name for themselves. Being easy to work with your business may benefit from their services. They require a $10,000 to $150,000 rates in loans for 6 to 18 months. The interest rates are 17.90% to 24.90%.
Funding Circle
Funding circle has many limitations in terms of businesses that they’ll work with. Depending upon the location of the business and the type of the business. As well as the amount of money involved in equipment finance. All companies must protect themselves however, and these facts have not held funding circle back from becoming one of the most noted equipment financing companies.
The Best
The best is well….us. We’re global, we work with many different size of business, and we tailor each plan to work for the company that we’re financing with. We do our best to make sure that the company we’re working with succeeds. Because when the company leasing or loaning equipment from us succeeds we succeed.
Global Finance Group is the assistance you’ve been looking for. The American dream is achievable, but sometimes you need a little assistance. That’s what we offer here at Global Finance Group. Call us to speak with a professional and get the equipment your company needs!