When you’re searching for a way to get equipment lease financing from a team of professionals, Global Finance Group is what you’re looking for. Many incidents can occur that can cause equipment to be no longer usable, or for a job to require equipment that a company might not currently own. With equipment lease financing, you can get the job done without paying a huge upfront cost.
Global Finance Group can assist in your understanding, as well as your equipment lease financing needs. Our team of professionals is determined to make the commitment to fostering long term business relationships to ensure stories of success for our clients. We’re a diverse team of knowledgeable financiers interested in helping companies get the financing services they need.
What is Equipment Lease Financing?
An equipment lease is essentially a way to agree upon a rental service of a piece of equipment. The owner can use the equipment for payments over a period of time. Companies of every size utilize this service, because often it’s much cheaper to lease a piece of equipment for a job than it is to go out and buy it.
This option is a great way to finance equipment because an agreement can usually be reached in a way that benefits both companies. There’s a lot to be lost when purchasing a piece of used equipment without the proper legalese and agreements therein.
Also, many companies offer predatory leasing agreements to either gain equity or profit off of a company either looking for an easier method of obtaining equipment or being careful with capital. Global Finance Group believes that long lasting business relationships are a great way to keep a company sustainable and profitable. That’s why we tailor every agreement to suit the needs of the company we’re working with.
Contact us today to find out more about our equipment lease financing and how we can help you with your company’s bright future.